The City of Port Orchard will use this grant to fund the removal of the Ruby Creek Barrier at Sidney Rd. to improve fish passage within the creek. The barrier is located on Sidney Rd. approximately 3000 ft north of the intersection of Sedgwick Rd. and Sidney Rd. (-122.65304 x 47.50117). This is the lowest and most significant barrier on Ruby Creek before it merges with Blackjack Creek, substantially blocking fish migration from Blackjack upstream to Ruby. Funding this project will help to restore stream connectivity between Ruby Creek and Blackjack Creek, improving passage of populations of Endangered Species Act listed East Kitsap DIP Steelhead, Coho, Chinook, Chum and Cutthroat that are present in both streams. The primary habitat that will be restored is in-stream habitat and riparian habitat creating accessibility for fish to approximately 1,102 sq M of spawning habitat and 44,382 sq M of rearing habitat. This culvert has been rated by WDFW with a PI total of 37.86. This barrier removal will improve habitat connectivity and increase fecundity of existing fish populations by removing anthropogenic barriers and restoring natural vegetation and processes to Ruby Creek, promoting angling and wildlife viewing opportunities. Several other barrier removals have been conducted or are scheduled upstream and downstream of the Sidney Rd. barrier, leaving this culvert the last limiting barrier for fish migration on Ruby Creek.