These high priority fish passage barriers are located on Ruby Creek, a tributary to Blackjack Creek, where the stream crosses a private roadway near the end of Harper Rd. The Kitsap Conservation District will sponsor the project and facilitate removal of the existing 2 foot round precast concrete culverts and replace them with a larger fish passable structure. One of the existing culverts has excessive slope and a hydraulic drop at the outlet, and both culverts are undersized. Correction of these two barriers would improve access to 2.3 miles of habitat for coho, steelhead, cutthroat and possibly chum. Excellent habitat upstream.
These high priority fish passage barriers are located on Ruby Creek, a tributary to Blackjack Creek, where the stream crosses a private roadway near the end of Harper Rd. The Kitsap Conservation District sponsored the project and facilitated removal of the existing 2 foot round precast concrete culverts and replaced them with one 70 feet long by 5 feet wide arched culvert. The previous culverts were fish barriers due to excessive slope, hydraulic drop at the outlet, and both culverts were undersized. Correction of these two barriers improved access to 2.3 miles of habitat for coho, steelhead, cutthroat and possibly chum. Excellent habitat exisits upstream and was further enhanced with large woody debris using local grant funding.