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The North Yakima Conservation District propose to develop a preliminary design to improve fish passage at the exposed Naches-Cowiche Canal siphon and City of Yakima water pipe located on Cowiche Creek directly below W. Powerhouse Rd in Yakima. The siphon and water pipe were once buried beneath the streambed but are now exposed. During low flow, the siphon creates over a one-foot drop in water surface elevation that is a barrier to juvenile coho salmon, Chinook salmon, and steelhead as they travel the creek looking for food and refuge. The concrete encased water pipe poses a smaller passage barrier to fish during low flows. The project will use existing design and modeling data as well as field investigations to produce conceptual design alternatives to provide fish passage for all life stages of salmonids at all periods of the hydrograph. A preferred alternative will be chosen and developed into a more detailed preliminary design. The design will incorporate and examine potential effects from stream work occurring downstream that may influence hydrology or stream bed stability at the project site.