The Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District (YTID) completed a feasibility study to upgrade and/or replace the 100 plus year old main canal. The title of the Draft study is Alternatives Study: Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Main Canal Rehabilitation and Cowiche Creek Water Exchange. This grant was used to fund a part of that study to look at the ability to wheel water from the Tieton River Basin to the Cowiche Creek Basin to improve stream flow for ESA listed steelhead, salmon and resident trout in Cowiche Creek. The stream flow improvement would occur because YTID would deliver water to the creek users in the South Fork and Main Stem of Cowiche Creek above Weikel using water from the Tieton River instead of water from Cowiche Creek. The water normally diverted by adjudicated water right holders from Cowiche Creek would then be left in stream to improve stream flow for ESA listed steelhead, salmon and resident trout. The study assesses the delivery of water to adjudicated water right holders on the South Fork and Main Stem of Cowiche Creek, at a maximum instantaneous volume of 25 CFS. The existing capacity of the YTID main canal is 345 cfs. These two combined volumes equal 370 cfs. The comprehensive study evaluates the options to enhance and/or upgrade the main canal to insure the delivery of up to 370 cfs; including the evaluation of the delivery system downstream of the main canal, to ensure delivering the water to the users along Cowiche creek. This type of water exchange would have no impact on Total Water Supply Available and would provide very positive benefits to the stakeholders involved. It would also address fish screening and fish passage concerns in Cowiche Creek.