CCD Entiat National Fish Hatchery Restoration Phase II
#SRP-12-18082 #SRP-12-18082
 Entiat Sub-basin Lower Entiat CCD Entiat National Fish Hatchery Restoration Phase II
Organization Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board Lead Entity
Sponsor Cascadia Conservation District
Status Completed
Schedule Start Date: 9/14/2012 End Date: 9/15/2014
Category Category: Restoration
Project Photo
The goal of the Entiat National Fish Hatchery (ENFH) restoration Phase II project is to enhance instream and off-channel habitat complexity for the benefit of listed spring Chinook, steelhead, and bull trout within 0.07 miles of the Lower Entiat River. The objective of the project design is to increase the amount of high-flow refuge habitat, and to add resting and holding areas for various life stages of the listed species. The ENFH property is located within Reach 1B between River Mile (RM) 6.7 to 6.8 in Chelan County, Washington. A partnership between US Fish and Wildlife Service and Cascadia Conservation District was established during the first phase of restoration work (2010 Levee removal) and will continue through Phase II. This project affords a unique opportunity to largely re-establish several missing elements of instream and riparian habitat which can serve as a demonstration project for what is still possible in the lower valley.

Project treatments include the installation of an engineered log jam (ELJ) at the apex of the existing island near RM 6.75 to facilitate the natural accrual of wood, support riparian growth on the island, and to enhance habitat complexity. Habitat log structure complexes will also be constructed within the split flow channel at RM 6.7 along the right bank to increase roughness and cover. Project components also include the installation of an instream boulder cluster at the spit flow channel inlet to direct flow into the side channel and to create hydraulic diversity. Lastly, the design of a backwater flood stage off-channel habitat is proposed within the downstream end of the site near RM 6.8. The location of the constructed off-channel alcove was selected to tie into an existing low lying natural topographic feature. Habitat logs will be installed at the alcove outlet to create hydraulic diversity and induce scour to maintain the hydraulic connection at the outlet.
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TypeDateFunding OrgFunding ProgramMatchAmount
Allocated02/01/2021Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)$41,427.00
Allocated02/01/2021Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)$231,227.00
Grant Project Agreement Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance
$254,654.00 $0.00 $272,654.00 $0.00 $272,654.00
OTHER FUNDING (Funding that is NOT in a grant project agreement)
TypeDateFunding OrgFunding ProgramMatchAmount
Other Funding Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance
Grand Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance

Chinook-Pop (ESU):Chinook-Upper Columbia River Spring, Entiat River, Endangered
Chinook2-Pop (ESU):Chinook-Upper Columbia River Summer/Fall, Not Warranted
HUC12:Mills Creek-Entiat River (170200100209)
HUC8:Upper Columbia-Entiat (17020010)
Lead Entity Area:Upper Columbia
Legislative District:12
Legislative District:12
Salmon Recovery Regions:Upper Columbia River
Steelhead-Pop (ESU):Steelhead-Upper Columbia River, Entiat River, Threatened
Upper Columbia Assesment Unit:Entiat River-Mills Creek
Watershed Administrative Unit:Lower Entiat
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