Chambers Bay Restoration
#230-22-002 U #230-22-002 U
Organization Puyallup and Chambers Watershed Salmon Recovery Lead Entity
Status Active
Schedule Start Date: 3/1/2005 End Date: 12/31/2029
Category Category: 
Project Photo
This goal of this project is to restore and enhance the estuarine habitat structure and marine riparian corridor, as well as increase salt marsh and estuarine area inside and around the Bay and to provide fish passage for adult and juvenile salmonids. There has been a lack of riparian and habitat structure inside Chambers Bay for rearing and foraging salmonids. Reasons for this include: historic industrial use practices of Chambers Bay for timber storage; construction of road and mill site over the historic estuarine area; construction of dam which has reduced estuarine size and disrupted natural hydrology and sediment transport; gravel mining operations on the north side of the bay which removed mature riparian forest and bluffs; and construction of the BNSF railway which somewhat limits the connection of the estuary to Puget Sound. Restoration and enhancement actions at this site will improve shallow water refugia, increase foraging opportunity and improve rearing capacity of the shoreline for salmonids, particularly early life stage Chinook, chum and pink salmon. Restoration/Enhancement activities would include: removal of the dam; replacement of the bridge and associated utilities, removal of shoreline armor; installation of wood as habitat structure along the shoreline; removal of invasive plant species; and installation of native riparian and salt marsh vegetation.
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TypeDateFunding OrgFunding ProgramMatchAmount
Grant Project Agreement Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance
OTHER FUNDING (Funding that is NOT in a grant project agreement)
TypeDateFunding OrgFunding ProgramMatchAmount
Other Funding Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance
Grand Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance

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Area Encompassed (acres) (B.0.b.1)
Miles of Stream and/or Shoreline Affected (B.0.b.2)
Estuarine / Nearshore Project    
 Creation of new estuarine area (C.9.q.1)    
Acres of Estuary Created (C.9.q.2)
 Culvert modification / removal (C.9.f.1)    
Acres Opened To Fish Passage through culvert modification/removal (C.9.f.3)
Miles of stream made accessible by removal or modification of culvert
Number of Culverts Modified/Removed To Allow Fish Passage (C.9.f.2)
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 Estuarine plant removal / control (C.9.j.1)    
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 Removal of existing fill material (C.9.g.1)    
Acres of Estuary Treated through fill material removal (C.9.g.2)
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Miles of Stream Treated for channel reconfiguration and connectivity (C.4.c.3)
 Channel structure placement (C.4.d.1)    
Miles of Stream Treated for channel structure placement (C.4.d.3)
Number of structures placed in channel (C.4.d.7)
Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory    
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Acres of habitat assessed (B.2.d.2)
Real Property Acquisition    
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