Phase III builds on previously-funded work by SRFB to develop a preliminary design (60%) for the removal of Chambers Creek Dam and the restoration of its impoundment. The conceptual design was funded through SRFB and matching funds in 2015; the 30% design will be completed using private sources in 2019.
Chambers Creek Dam Phase III built on previously funded projects working on the ultimate goal of removing Chambers Creek Dam and restoring the estuarine habitat at the impoundment site. The feasibility study, completed in 2019, determined that restoration (i.e., removal of the dam and restoration of the estuary) would be feasible if done in conjunction with the replacement of the Chambers Creek Road bridge spanning the creek, which is immediately upstream of the dam site. As such, the goal of this project was complete a preliminary design package in conjunction with the bridge type-size-location (TSL) study.
In addition to completing the preliminary design package, the project team held regular meetings with a variety of government entities and stakeholders. In addition, we offered private meetings with the three treaty tribes whose usual and accustomed areas included Chambers Bay. We reviewed the draft designs, proposals, and bridge TSL with the tribes and in the larger group meetings. An amendment provided us a 6-month extension allowing for more time to pair our deliverables with the counties bridge study.