Kitsap County used this grant to complete the design work necessary for the remaining phases of Chico Creek restoration a) Phase 2: 60% design were developed to 100% design to restore instream habitat and remove old weirs that are a fish barrier for the segment of the golf course upstream of Phase 1; and b) Phase 3: a feasibility study and 30% design for the 3 concrete box culverts located at Golf Club Hill Road.
Chico Creek flows to Dyes Inlet in Kitsap County and supports one of the largest runs of chum salmon (30,000=80,000 fish/year) in the south Puget Sound, as well as coho, steelhead cutthroat trout and occasional stray Chinook salmon. The chum salmon in Dyes Inlet have historically attracted the Puget Sound Orca that are presently endangered. The stream channel within the project reach has been channelized and disconnected from its historic floodplain. Chico Creek Phase 1 completed the restoration of the downstream half of the creek located on the Kitsap Golf and Country Club.