This project, as part of a grant-funded EPA shoreline restoration grant, has begun to restore natural functions of the shoreline including the transport of beach sediments by removing the impeding bulkhead. The project removed 650 linear feet of dilapidated bulkhead and approximately 100 cubic yards of angular debris within beach sediments. The project removed old wood pilings, and retained existing large woody debris. Bulkhead removal took place August 27-31, 2012.
Ultimately, the project aims to improve spawning habitat for forage fish by restoring the beach's natural profile and sediment regime. It will also provide safe beach access for the public.
A monitoring plan to document the shoreline conditions pre and post de-construction of the bulkhead has been implemented. Volunteer scientists from the Beach Watchers group have collected the first data set consisting primarily of beach profiles before the bulkhead was removed. Monitoring will continue in the summer of 2013.