This project was identified as a priority in the SRFB-funded Springbrook Creek Watershed Assessment (2018). With this project we will use the conceptual designs prepared as part of the assessment to develop final designs and obtain permits.
The goal of Nickum property project is to improve the quality and quantity of salmon rearing habitat in mainstem Springbrook Creek, identified as critical habitat for ESA-listed Puget Sound Steelhead. The project will also improve fish passage in the stream (which is now compromised by dense reed canary grass), and improve water quality and large wood recruitment by restoring the associated riparian habitat in this unconfined low-gradient reach. Objectives: Build on existing conceptual design for preferred alternative to complete engineering and final design drawings. Apply for and receive permits necessary to construct the project.
When constructed, the limiting factors addressed by this project include high water temperatures, low dissolved oxygen, degraded instream habitat complexity, degraded conditions for benthic macroinvertebrates, degraded riparian habitat,
and fish passage impediments associated with a reed canary grass-choked channel.