This action will aim to restore floodplain connectivity, riparian processes, and instream habitat conditions. Restoration actions should focus on removal of artificial fill along the abandoned road grade constricting the channel at RS 11100, restoring riparian forest conditions, and targeted wood placements to increase channel complexity and restore natural stream grade. Restoration of riparian processes will require negotiation of conservation easements or acquisition of the streamside parcel along the northern (left) bank. The parcel totals 6 acres and has an assessed value of $240,000 per 2012 tax records. This action is constrained, in part, by channel confinement at the Navy RR trestle. The channel reach upstream of this segment flows through parcels that are part of the Mountaineers Foundation Rhododendron Preserve, where riparian conditions are more intact, instream wood is more abundant, and a broader floodplain exists due to the lack of bank protection.
The river channel is incised due to past impacts to reach scale processes. Riparian processes are impaired by residential development along the left bank in the stream corridor for the channel segment extending approximately 900 ft upstream. Instream habitat conditions are impaired by lack of wood, limited channel complexity and few pool habitats. There is artificial fill from an abandoned road grade that constrains the channel immediately upstream of the railroad trestle.