This action will open up the floodplain to reduce constriction and aid in the restoration of habitat-forming processes in upstream and downstream reaches. The crossing should be constructed with a longer span and/or additional bridges to enable reconnection of floodplain habitats including potential to restore connectivity with approximately 700 ft of right bank side channel habitat. The two parcels are owned by the same landowner and have a combined value of approximately $300,000 as assessed in the 2012 tax records. Acquisition of these properties for conservation of habitat forming processes was explored as part of an earlier feasibility assessment for realignment of NW Golf Club Hill Road. The landowner was not interested in selling property at the time (2012), however, we recommend that stakeholders continue engaging with landowners should future opportunities to acquire the parcels become feasible. Instream habitat enhancement will require strategic wood placements to increase channel complexity and restore natural stream grade through the incised segment. Floodplain areas will be graded at the upstream and downstream ends to reconnect the side channel.
Artificial fill constricts the floodplain and restricts habitat-forming processes in the upstream and downstream reaches. The Chico Way bridge was damaged in the December 2007 flood and replaced with a new structure in 2009. The investment in this new structure likely limits opportunity to replace the bridge for several decades until the structure is nearing the end of its design expectancy or is damaged in future flood events. Unfortunately, the new bridge continues to confine the stream corridor. In addition, an isolated side channel feature in the floodplain, approximately 700 ft in length, is disconnected at the upstream end by fill placed for the Chico Way NW road embankment and is disconnected at the downstream end by past incision.