Dickerson Creek is a major tributary of Chico Creek, which is the most productive salmon stream in Kitsap County. The Dickerson Creek culverts at Taylor and David Roads have been identified as significant fish-passage barriers by WDFW and the Suquamish Tribe. Kitsap County Public Works Stormwater Division is proposing to replace the two aging culverts with larger fish-passable culverts and enhance riparian and in-stream habitat. In addition, the floodplain of Dickerson Creek at the confluence with Chico Creek is disconnected and filled with streambank armoring materials. This project will restore natural floodplain function to the confluence of Chico and Dickerson, reduce localized flooding impacts to adjacent property owners, reduce impacts to County infrastructure, and significantly improve in-stream and riparian habitat in the process. The habitat of Dickerson Creek has been assessed as some of the best spawning and rearing habitat in the Chico Creek watershed. Therefore, removing these barriers and improving floodplain connectivity will be a significant step in the overall Chico Creek restoration effort. The project has been broken into two phases. Both phases include a culvert replacement and floodplain restoration along Dickerson Creek. Phase I takes place along Dickerson at David Road which is on track for construction in 2015. Phase II takes place at Taylor Road in 2016.
With these project goals in mind, Kitsap County has acquired several of the adjacent parcels, including two where floodplain restoration may be proposed and one with an existing home that may be converted to a Salmon Education & Learning Center which would add a significant education and outreach component to this project.
The project reach includes portions of both Dickerson and Chico Creeks, including: Dickerson Creek from approximately 250 feet upstream (south) of David Road, downstream (north) through culverts under David and Taylor Roads, including in-stream habitat between these culverts, and continuing to the confluence with Chico Creek. Additional habitat enhancement is proposed for Chico Creek from the bridge at Taylor Road, downstream (northeast) past the mouth of Dickerson Creek, and upstream (west) along Chico Creek.