The Suquamish used these ESRP funds to support design and permitting elements of the Chico Estuary Restoration Project. The Tribe estimated the cost of completing designs for the driveway, roadway and culvert removal, and channel restoration to be $215,000. Matching funds were satisfied with a portion of funding secured from the USEPA.
The project partners believe the ESRP funding has significantly increased the likelihood of achieving all of the project’s restoration goals and objectives. The updated estimate of quantity of fill to be removed from the site is 6,500 cubic yards.
The following tasks, documents, and deliverables were completed as part of this project: USACOE Nationwide Permits verified; Section 106 (cultural resources) completed; SEPA MNDS completed; Shoreline Management Act exemption confirmed by Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW); ESA Section 7 concurrence received; substantive requirements for WDFW HPA complete, however, final permit pending maintenance agreement between WDFW and WSDOT for SR3 culvert baffles; and Basis of Design Report, 100% Design Plans, Specifications, and Bid Documents.