This project will restore and enhance formerly productive salmon spawning and rearing habitat to the Hoko River and its tributaries. The Hoko and its tributaries historically experienced systematic log jam removal, removal of riparian timber, as well as utilization of the waterways to transport harvested timber, resulting in loss of historic habitat conditions. The watershed has experienced significant issues with scour, which has not only impacted habitat within the stream, but has also disconnected many tributaries from the mainstem. Adding LWD to this system will restore habitat complexity, providing sheltering areas for spawning adults and rearing fingerlings. This project will require many phases to accomplish the goals set forth. It will also reduce scour and assist in gravel bed creation and maintenance. The Hoko watershed provides high quality habitat for Chinook as well as coho, chum, steelhead and cutthroat.
This project will restore and enhance formerly productive
salmon spawning and rearing habitat to the Hoko River and its
tributaries. The Hoko and its tributaries historically experienced
systematic log jam removal, removal of riparian timber, as well as utilization
of the waterways to transport harvested timber, resulting in loss of historic
habitat conditions. The watershed has experienced significant issues with
scour, which has not only impacted habitat within the stream, but has also disconnected
many tributaries from the mainstem. Adding LWD to this system will
restore habitat complexity, providing sheltering areas for spawning adults and
rearing fingerlings. This project will require many phases to accomplish the
goals set forth. It will also reduce scour and assist in gravel bed
creation and maintenance. The Hoko watershed provides high quality habitat for
Chinook as well as coho, chum, steelhead and cutthroat.