Chicken Coop Creek enters the southeast corner of Sequim Bay to the northeast of Jimmycomelately Creek. The mainstem is 3.1 miles in length with an additional 3.1 miles in tributaries.The mouth of Chicken Coop Creek shares a high intertidal zone with an adjacent unnamed system just a few meters to the west. Chicken Coop Creek has multiple road crossings and barriers, and the habitat is severely fragmented.The floodplain habitat below East Sequim Bay Road is described as a forested wetland/wet meadow complex that provides some good habitat for fish.The low-gradient habitat above the road deteriorates in quality and is dominated by reed canary grass.Land uses are agricultural and rural residential.
Coho and cutthroat trout are the only salmonids known to be in Chicken Coop Creek. Available information suggests that excessive sediment may impact the habitat for salmonids. The severely degraded habitat and road crossings bisecting the creek in multiple areas create unsustainable habitat conditions for salmon survival. In addition, the low or intermittent flows cause problems for salmon migrating upstream to spawn during late summer, and early fall. Fecal coliform is not known to adversely affect salmonids, although it is often an indicator of other water quality impacts in the watershed that can adversely affect fish.
- State of the Waters