Clallam County Public Works proposes to replace a deteriorating non fish-passable culvert located at MP 1.4 of Chicken Coop Road with a fish-passable pipe, potentially opening up 1.4 miles of Chicken Coop Creek to coho and winter steelhead. The existing culvert is a 24" steel pipe, rusting at the bottom, and not adequately sized to pass flows. The resulting backwater has caused bedload to accumulate throughout the pipe, causing almost complete blockage. The backwater has also caused erosion of the road shoulder at the inlet, further adding to siltation of Chicken Coop Creek during storm flows. A second, 18" steel culvert, located 24" above the stream bed serves as an overflow, however his pipe does little to aid fish passage. The proposal is to replace both culverts with a single 6 foot culvert, meeting WDFW guidelines for road culverts (2003).