The Pulling Together in Restoration project (PTIR) works across watersheds and jurisdictions in 8 watersheds spanning three counties and two WRIAs, on the Olympia Peninsula to prevent the spread of invasive plants. The practice of early action and community education provides increased control, reducing impacts to agriculture, fisheries, forestry, wildlife, and recreation. increasing native plant community health and resiliency to disturbance, improving restoration project outcomes, and reducing herbicide use. Local crews learn job skills and watershed literacy while contributing to restoration, resiliency, and the natural resource-based economies of coastal communities.
The Pulling Together in Restoration project (PTIR) works across watersheds and jurisdictions in 8 watersheds spanning three counties and two WRIAs, on the Olympia Peninsula to prevent the spread of invasive plants. The practice of early action and community education provides increased control, reducing impacts to agriculture, fisheries, forestry, wildlife, and recreation. increasing native plant community health and resiliency to disturbance, improving restoration project outcomes, and reducing herbicide use. Local crews learn job skills and watershed literacy while contributing to restoration, resiliency, and the natural resource-based economies of coastal communities.