BPA Contracts 56662 REL 33 and 37. This work is part of a large multi-project, multi-sponsor effort under the Entiat Intensively Monitored Watershed (IMW) that will lead to construction in 2014. This contract provides funds for the construction and oversight for the Lower Entiat RM 2.6-3.5 Habitat Enhancement Project to increase habitat diversity and complexity for juvenile and adult Upper Columbia River Spring Chinook and steelhead. The proposed project would consist of approximately 22 Large Woody Material (LWM) structures along the peripheral and marginal areas and approximately 43 boulder cluster configurations in the mainstem over the course of approximately 1.0 mile and five landowners. All YN staff time and expenses associated with this work are being provided through YN Accord Project 2009-003-00, agreement 56662-02.
Additionally, contract 56662 REL 33 will be used to purchase construction materials for the Yakama Nation's Lower Entiat RM 2.6-3.5 Habitat Enhancement Project. Specifically, large woody material and quarry boulders will be purchased and made available for construction sleighed for summer 2014. This contract will also be used to provide funding for Final Design and Construction Plans, a Design Report, and a Monitoring Plan.
BPA Contracts 56662 REL 33 and 37. This work is part of a large multi-project, multi-sponsor effort under the Entiat Intensively Monitored Watershed (IMW) that will lead to construction in 2014. This contract provides funds for the construction and oversight for the Lower Entiat RM 2.6-3.5 Habitat Enhancement Project to increase habitat diversity and complexity for juvenile and adult Upper Columbia River Spring Chinook and steelhead. The proposed project would consist of approximately 22 Large Woody Material (LWM) structures along the peripheral and marginal areas and approximately 43 boulder cluster configurations in the mainstem over the course of approximately 1.0 mile and five landowners. All YN staff time and expenses associated with this work are being provided through YN Accord Project 2009-003-00, agreement 56662-02.
Additionally, contract 56662 REL 33 will be used to purchase construction materials for the Yakama Nation's Lower Entiat RM 2.6-3.5 Habitat Enhancement Project. Specifically, large woody material and quarry boulders will be purchased and made available for construction sleighed for summer 2014. This contract will also be used to provide funding for Final Design and Construction Plans, a Design Report, and a Monitoring Plan.
CBFish Contract Link 56662 REL 33:
CBFish Contract Link 56662 REL 37: