The Gagnon Channel Migration Zone (CMZ) Project provides off-channel refuge habitat for endangered spring Chinook, and endangered summer steelhead trout within the Lower Wenatchee River near RM 12.4. This grant funded a feasibility study. Chelan County Natural Resources Department worked with the landowner to gain access and permission for project construction. Cross section data and water levels from monitoring wells were used to establish flow line grades for project design. Snorkel surveys of the adjacent river and the existing pond were completed to document existing levels of fish use. Final project design was completed by Jones & Stokes in coordination with the Bureau of Reclamation. As a result of this study and completion of design, construction is scheduled for work window 2007. Once constructed, this project will enhance a 0.5 acre pond and connect it tot he Wenatchee River through a 107 meter long channel to provide off-channel habitat for rearing and high flow refugia.