Final design and implementation of the BRG off-channel habitat restoration project
The Peshastin side channel reconnection project is located between mileposts 177.1 and 177.8 on SR 97 just downstream of the confluence with Ingalls Creek. During Hwy 97 construction, Peshastin Creek was relocated to the west side of the road by creating 3,880 feet of straight channel. This disconnected 4,320 feet of the historical Peshastin Creek channel from River mile (RM) 8.4 to 9.2. This project proposes to reconnect 34.5 acres of historical floodplain and create side channel habitat on Peshastin Creek.
The primary goal at the BRG site is to reconnect stream channel process to the disconnected stream channel and floodplain. This action will provide off-channel rearing and refuge habitat for listed salmonids on Peshastin Creek. This will be accomplished through the hydraulic reconnection of the floodplain and historical channel habitat to Peshastin Creek that was disconnected with the construction of SR 97 in 1956. Alternatives to reconnect partial-flow, including flushing flows and recharge of habitats are being considered. This reconnection will lead to increased refuge and rearing habitat, increased floodplain connectivity, and the restoration of natural channel processes associated with side channel habitats in the project reach. Any of these alternatives will directly benefit spring Chinook and summer steelhead. See the attached grant proposal for a more complete project description, maps, and project conceptual drawings.