Project design to improve hydrology and fish access to isolated oxbows in Barnaby Reach of the Skagit River above Rockport. Likely removes fish barriers, creates new channels, and potential re-aligns lower Illabot Creek.
The project proposes to complete preliminary design and initiate permitting for the second phase of restoration in the Barnaby Reach, which will restore fish passage and flow conditions to the Harrison Slough complex. This will be accomplished by diverting Illabot Creek through an historic channel connecting to Upper Harrison Slough, which flows out Harrison Pond and Lucas Slough to the Skagit River, as well as removing culverts along Upper Harrison Slough, levees along the northern portion of Harrison Pond, and the dike and fishway at the mouth of Harrison Pond, which has been identified as a barrier to fish passage. A new bridge over Illabot Creek near the diversion will provide necessary access to private property. This project would extend the length of lower Illabot Creek by approximately 3.4 miles, and provide a diversity of habitat types that would benefit a range of salmonid species and life stages. The preliminary design work will build on ongoing work such as streamflow monitoring, topographic surveys, an existing conditions habitat analysis, and extensive outreach. Hydraulic modeling is currently underway to address additional design questions. Preliminary design deliverables will include a basis of design report, cut profiles and quantities, construction approach, a preliminary cost estimate and drawing package for the development of permits.