The Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group (SFEG) implemented stewardship work on 40 acres of riparian forest land, as well as new planting on 3.5 acres on two Seattle City Light (SCL) properties and an additional 2 acres of US Forest Service (USFS) property. Project impacts can be seen from Marblemount in the Upper Skagit River to Illabot Creek on the Middle Skagit. These projects took place on land owned by the US Forest Service and Seattle City Light.
Cultural resource assessments were completed for four sites. At Carefree Acres a field survey and report was completed by Caldera Archaeology in 2019. Other sites were vetted through DAHP and archaeologists from SCL and USFS, respectively.
The overall goal of this project was to improve the riparian forest ecosystem through increased canopy cover, stocking of native plants and ensuring project success through reduced weed competition. Riparian planting took place at four sites including: Illabot Creek Lane, Jackman Creek, Carefree Acres, and the Marblemount Boat Launch. Invasive weeds that threaten the rapid re-establishment of native riparian forest were controlled by SFEG, Washington Conservation Corps (WCC), and Whatcom County Corrections crews. Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) strategies were used including mowing, spraying, and planting to develop a supercedent forest canopy. Herbicide application was supervised by licensed herbicide applicators to treat invasive plants. Plastic plant protectors installed in initial restoration work (prior to this project) were removed as plants became established, while new plants were installed and biodegradable vexar protectors were used to protect new plantings. Match for these projects was provided by Seattle City Light (materials and labor), and cost-share crews from the Washington Conservation Corps and Whatcom County Department of Corrections.
Work was originally proposed at an additional site located along Lower Day Creek, however after the grant award it was realized that renewed landowner agreements were not possible, so this site was removed from the project. Additional funds were invested at the other 4 sites instead. The 2014 funds were spend within the award period.