Illabot Creek is a highly productive tributary of the upper Skagit River that supports relatively large populations of Chinook, chum, coho, and pink salmon, native char, and steelhead trout. Due to its importance in providing spawning and rearing habitat, much of the watershed has already been protected or restored. However, there is an approximately half-mile reach of Illabot Creek that is heavily degraded.
SRSC completed a feasibility study with a previous SRF Board grant (Smith and Ramsden 2006, 01-1356N) that evaluated habitat conditions and restoration alternatives in the lower portion of Illabot Creek. This study determined that straightening and diking of Illabot Creek near the Rockport-Cascade road has had a significant negative effect on habitat conditions by creating a steeper gradient, reducing channel area and habitat complexity, increasing bed scour, and degrading riparian conditions. The preferred alternative identified in the study to address these habitat impacts was to remove the dikes, relocate Illabot Creek to its historic channel, and allow for natural channel migration.
The purpose of this design study was to address flood and erosion risks for existing infrastructure from the preferred alternative and develop 90% designs for habitat and erosion protection, and 30% design for two new bridges, and also to complete and submit permit applications. The study also involved communicating with affected agencies (Seattle City Light and Skagit County) and private landowners to make sure their concerns were included in the design work.