Adopt a Stream Foundation will complete preliminary designs (per Manual 18 Appendix D-2) for the third and final Bear Creek Reach 6 stream restoration project at the Friendly Village Mobile Home Park in Redmond, WA. Design will focus on improving habitat conditions for Chinook salmon with a special emphasis placed on juvenile rearing. The project will address habitat-limiting factors, including removing covered (pedestrian) bridge that confines the channel, installing Large Wood, re-vegetating approximately 2.5 acres of riparian buffer, increasing flood plain connectivity and re-establishing natural stream processes along approximately 1,055 feet of channel.Restoration designs will directly address priorities for Bear/Cottage Lake Creeks in the WRIA 8 Conservation Strategy for Chinook salmon (threatened), including protecting and restoring riparian vegetation and floodplain connectivity. Restoration elements will be designed using the techniques and methods identified in the Integrated Stream Bank Protection Guidelines and the Stream Habitat Restoration Guidelines and other fisheries engineering restoration technology currently being used in the Puget Sound Basin. In 2020, AASF restored 345 feet of Bear Creek and 1.1 acres of riparian just downstream of this location. Once implemented, this Ph III restoration project will connect stream restoration efforts up and downstream to provide over 5,230 feet of restored Chinook habitat.