Bainbridge Island Land Trust (BILT) is working to acquire, through fee interest and conservation easements, over 37 acres of tidelands, nearshore and associated uplands in Murden Cove, one of the few remaining unarmored estuaries on Bainbridge Island. Murden Cove has long been a focus area for BILT due to Murden Cove Creek, one of Bainbridge Island's largest salmon bearing streams, enetering the Cove, and the Cove hosting over 1.25 miles of intact undeveloped shoreline. Restoration efforts to remove invasive plants on all the properties would also take place under this proposal. Under this project, BILT will further negotiations with landowners BILT has already established relations with, reaching out to new landowners, develop purchase and sale agreements or conservation easement agreements (donated and purchased) with these landowners, developing restoration plans for the acquired properties, and implementing those plan.
Bainbridge Island Land Trust (BILT) is working to acquire, through fee interest and conservation easements, tidelands, nearshore and associated uplands in Murden Cove, which is one of the few remaining unarmored estuaries on Bainbridge Island. This funding will afford acquisition in fee of one parcel, and acquisition of two conservation easements and begin restoration actions on those properties. Murden Cove has long been a focus area for BILT due to Murden Cove Creek, one of Bainbridge Island's largest salmon bearing streams, entering the Cove, and the Cove hosting over 1.25 miles of intact undeveloped shoreline. Restoration efforts to remove invasive plants on all the properties would also take place under this proposal. Under this project, BILT will further negotiations with landowners BILT has already established relations with, reaching out to new landowners, develop purchase and sale agreements or conservation easement agreements (donated and purchased) with these landowners, developing restoration plans for the acquired properties, and implementing those plans. The acquisition parcel and adjacent lands are designated as some of the most ecologically significant and intact shoreline on Bainbridge Island by the Bainbridge Island Nearshore Assessment. Encompassing more than 41 acres on 7325 linear feet of shoreline, Murden Cove features approximately 76,391 square feet of esturine wetland, extensive overhanging vegetation, intact riparian zone, and two of the last remaining unaltered salt marsh/lagoons on Bainbridge Island.