This project will summarize existing information on the status of habitats and fish populations in the Blackjack Creek watershed. Sources include the WRIA 15 Limiting Factors Analysis (Haring), Kitsap Refugia Study (May), spawner surveys (WDFW and Suquamish Tribe), temperature (Suquamish Tribe) and water quality (various sources), and the extensive watershed inventory (water typing) recently conducted by Wild Fish Conservancy. Fish use and relative abundance by sub-watershed will be developed from existing spawner surveys and further refined through the water typing work referred to above. In addition, the status of actions identified in the Limiting Factors Analysis will be documented.
This project will summarize existing information on the status of habitats and fish populations in the Blackjack Creek watershed. Sources include the WRIA 15 Limiting Factors Analysis (Haring), Kitsap Refugia Study (May), spawner surveys (WDFW and Suquamish Tribe), temperature (Suquamish Tribe) and water quality (various sources), and the extensive watershed inventory (water typing) recently conducted by Wild Fish Conservancy. Fish use and relative abundance by sub-watershed will be developed from existing spawner surveys and further refined through the water typing work referred to above. In addition, the status of actions identified in the Limiting Factors Analysis will be documented.