This potential project was identified through a landowner willingness survey for shoreline restoration, as part of the Kitsap County DCD EPA Shoreline Restoration Grant. The grant identified priority sediment sources (drift cells and reaches) then asked landowners interested in bulkhead removal projects on their property within these priority areas. One of the property owners on James Way at President Point identified a failing bulkhead/armoring along an access road, owned by the homeowners association. Historically, the area behind the bulkhead was a saltwater marsh at the base of the lagoon. The natural entrance has since been filled, removing any obvious connectivity.The project will likely involve extensive community outreach (no formal meetings held by association group), feasiblity studies involving flooding and road options (relocating' large culvert/bridge'). Some landowners have been attempting to fill in holes with bricks and other debris, so a solution will be needed soon.
This is a potential Kitsap County Department of Community Development EPA funded shoreline restoration project.