The project consists of removing man made refuse from Dickerson Creek and disposing of the refuse offsite. This refuse includes a heavy steel water tank sitting on a concrete slab, which is located on a gravel bar; a heavy steel culvert; steel barbed wire fencing; posts; and various concrete pads and pipes, which are primarily located on the stream bank. Also, various car parts and other small refuse were removed. Noxious weeds, primarily English Ivy and Blackberry, were removed as well.
The project is located on the mainstem Dickerson Creek; a
tributary to Chico Creek- 0.45 miles upstream of the confluence with Chico
Creek, which outlets to Dyes inlet, within the Central Puget Sound Basin, in
Kitsap County, WA (WRIA #15). The project is proposed to take place on
750 feet of stream channel and 2.5 acres of flood plain and riparian corridor,
on four privately owned residential properties.