This stream restoration project, which aims to enhance 0.25 acres of Critical Area, is located on Dickerson Creek in the Chico watershed. The project successfully added large woody debris, and sloped back a stream bank to increase the size of the flood plain. Removal of noxious weeds and planting native trees and shrubs also enhance the riparian area along 120 feet of stream.
Approximately 21 pieces of LWD will be placed in Dickerson Creek and anchored in the stream bank where the bank is failing. Approximately 345 cubic yards of rock will be placed to stabilize the slope and help anchor the LWD. Approximately 207 yards of rock will be imported rip rap that will be mixed with about 138 cubic yards of native materials excavated during placement of LWD. The LWD consists of coniferous trees, 20+ inches in diameter, in lengths of 20 feet or more with root wads attached. Soil lifts will also be used to stabilize the slope and anchor LWD. Most of the rock proposed for anchoring will be placed above the Ordinary High Water Mark of the creek and will be used as ballast to anchor the structure. The rock will also be used at the upstream and downstream tie-in points to limit the risk of channel flanking. LWD will extend into the creek to create habitat and stabilize the bank. LWD will be buried to the approximate scour depth to limit undermining of the structure.