The primary goals of the Bucklin Hill Bridge Project are to significantly improve estuarine function on Clear Creek at its outlet to Dyes Inlet, and improve traffic flow in the Silverdale area by widening NW Bucklin Hill Road, while providing appropriate amenities for pedestrians and bicyclists. The Kitsap County Department of Public Works proposes to remove the existing embankment across Clear Creek (which includes two 72-inch culverts) and replace it with a multi-spanned bridge, 240 feet in length. The project will result in substantial improvements to fish passage, estuarine ecological processes, and nearshore habitat functions for salmonid fish, non-salmonid fish, and aquatic/marine biota. This enhancement project will support future upstream restoration projects. This project ranks 10th on the Kitsap County Traffic Improvement Programs 2014-2019 list. It is scheduled for construction in 2014.
The primary goals of the Bucklin Hill Bridge Project are to significantly improve estuarine function on Clear Creek at its outlet to Dyes Inlet, and improve traffic flow in the Silverdale area by widening NW Bucklin Hill Road, while providing appropriate amenities for pedestrians and bicyclists. The Kitsap County Department of Public Works proposes to remove the existing embankment across Clear Creek (which includes two 72-inch culverts) and replace it with a multi-spanned bridge, 240 feet in length. The project will result in substantial improvements to fish passage, estuarine ecological processes, and nearshore habitat functions for salmonid fish, non-salmonid fish, and aquatic/marine biota. This enhancement project will support future upstream restoration projects.