Department of Ecology secured funding from ASARCO clean-up funds to restore Harper Estuary. Department of Fish and Wildlife and Kitsap County are partners in this restoration effort.
This project is one of 36 conceptual projects identified by the Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project, a joint investigation of the Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) to restore the health of Puget Sound's shorelines. Harper Estuary restoration has always been a high priority in the West Sound for salmon recovery. Some initial feasibility work was done by the USACOE and some design work done by the Mid-Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group but funding for construction has never been secured.
The Harper Estuary is a small embayment located near Port Orchard on the east shoreline of the Kitsap Peninsula. A brick mining and manufacturing facility was built in the southwest portion of the estuary in early 1900s on top of the salt marshes and beach. Roadway embankments and SE Olympiad Drive have restricted tidal influence to a small culvert, which has created an isolated freshwater wetland in the southern portion of the estuary. The project would restore tidal inundation to the Harper Estuary by either removing SE Olympiad Drive completely or constructing a new bridge to span the estuary opening. Relict bulkheads, debris, and fill associated with the abandoned brick facility would be removed to re-establish estuary habitats and native vegetation would be planted.