Friends of Wilson Creek, a small group of dedicated volunteers who live in or near the Wilson Creek watershed, have been working to determine the cause of a decline in the stream's native salmonid population. With foundation support, we were able to hire a fisheries biologist to help us assess existing watershed conditions that might be factors in this decline. With further help from a wetland specialist and a geologist, we conducted a comprehensive habitat survey of the stream and its seven major reaches. During this time, we enlisted more than 50 community volunteers to clear invasive weeds and help us plant more than 1,700 native trees, shrubs, and grasses that will provide soil stability, habitat, and canopy cover in areas that have been heavily logged in the past. We were also able to record GPS waypoints in many of the reaches that had not been previously mapped by Kitsap County, while noting the presence and condition of numerous culverts and other manmade or natural fish passage blockages. Through our water quality testing, we have worked with the Kitsap County Health Department to provide data on fecal coliform and other water quality parameters that could potentially threaten the health of the public or the stream. We continue to reach out to the community through periodic newsletters and other means to keep concerned citizens informed about the condition of the watershed and how they can get involved in its rehabilitation through the use of Best Management Practices.