The Port of Bremerton used this funding to excavate and regrade the easterly 625 feet of the northern shoreline on Sinclair Inlet near Gorst Creek in Kitsap County, WA. The project was a portion of a much larger project, restoring the entire end of Sinclair Inlet into a public park for the Kitsap County Department of Parks and Recreation. The restoration of the old Evergreen Wrecking Yard site has been a great success and will have a significant favorable impact on salmon runs in the area.
The purpose of the larger project is to restore to 1942 vintage the westernmost 1500 feet of the northern shoreline of Sinclair Inlet and to increase the productive area of existing estuary by 1.7 acres. Sinclair Inlet along with its shoreline and estuary is a major passage way and nursery for Chinook, coho, chum steelhead salmon and sea-run cutthroat trout entering and leaving Gorst Creek. Several miles of the northern shoreline have been hardened with riprap to accommodate SR 16 and PSNS railroad. The only portion of northern shoreline between Gorst and Navy Yard City Interchange that could be restored was the subject of this grant.
The importance of estuarine and shoreline habitat to salmon productivity is well documented. There is a direct correlation between outgoing wild Chinook smolt survival from Gorst Creek and the health, and configuration of the shoreline of Sinclair Inlet. Over 1,000 wild Chinook spawn in Gorst Creek.