The Ahtanum Village property is located in the City of Union Gap, WA, south of
the intersection of 26th Ave and Ahtanum Rd, about ¾ mi south of the Yakima
Airport. Ahtanum Watershed
46°33'4.16"N 120°32'38.37"W
The Yakama Nation worked with Natural Systems Design to prepare final designs to restore stream and floodplain habitat along 0.83 miles of Ahtanum Creek in the City of Union Gap, Yakima County, WA. The goal of the project is to increase aquatic complexity and floodplain function for Chinook, coho, lamprey and ESA listed Mid-Columbia steelhead and bull trout. Increased aquatic complexity includes more and deeper pools, increased riparian cover, more instream woody material, increased channel length, increased channel roughness, and increased retention of spanning gravels. Increased floodplain function includes more groundwater recharge to improve base flows, reduce peak flows, improve stream temperatures, provide improved habitat for invertebrates and restore a more robust and species-rich riparian corridor. The Yakama Nation acquired the 54 acres and 93 acre/feet of surface water rights in 2017. The acquisition of land avoided certain urban development in an area desperately in need of improved habitat for ESA listed species. The acquisition addressed Naches Action #28 (Protect Ahtanum Creek riparian areas to lessen development) and Naches Action #29 (Reduce livestock impacts on Ahtanum Creek riparian areas) of the Yakima Basin Steelhead Recovery Plan (2009). The designs will help to implement Naches Action #27 (Ahtanum Creek Floodplain and Side Channel Restoration). In addition, the proposal is identified as a Technical Advisory Group Focus Project (#10).