The North Yakima Conservation District proposes to develop a preliminary design for a stream and floodplain restoration project on Ahtanum Creek. Upon application award, a local Technical Working Group will be formed to identify and prioritize necessary steps to improve habitat for steelhead, Chinook, Coho, and Bull trout recovery in this area. This group of local biologists, scientists, and natural resource professionals will represent a variety of agencies and expertise in the basin. These recovery steps will be incorporated into a preliminary design that will provide a foundation and template for future project implementation and construction along Ahtanum Creek. This reach of Ahtanum Creek lacks riparian and floodplain function. Riparian condition is poor/fair. Channel incision and bank erosion have affected the quality of salmonid spawning habitat. This is a unique opportunity in which several landowners/operators (tribal and private) and properties will be combined under one design. A holistic approach to Ahtanum Creek can be accomplished since both sides of the stream will be included. This area encompasses approximately 8,600 feet of stream length, and 25 plus acres of floodplain.
The North Yakima Conservation District (NYCD) developed a preliminary design for a stream and floodplain restoration project on Ahtanum Creek in Yakima, WA. Upon application award, NYCD formed a local Technical Working Group, which met on three ocassions to identify and prioritize necessary steps to improve floodplain function and instream habitat for steelhead, Chinook, Coho, and Bull Trout. This group of local biologists, scientists, and natural resource professionals represented a variety of agencies and expertise in the basin. These recovery steps were incorporated into a preliminary design to restore approximately 8,600 feet of stream and 44 acres of floodplain along Ahtanum Creek.
The project presented a unique opportunity to work with several tribal and private landowners and operators to develop a single design to restore properties on both sides of the stream. Prior to this project, this reach of Ahtanum Creek lacked riparian and floodplain function. Riparian condition was poor to fair and channel incision and bank erosion had reduced the quality of salmonid spawning habitat. The partnering agency, Yakama Nation, took the preliminary design developed through this grant to final design and secured funding to implement the project in the fall of 2016.