The City of Yakima used this grant to replace the fish screens at a diversion they operate on the Naches River in order to reduce fish mortality. The diversion supplies water to City of Yakima Water Treatment Plant. The diversion facilities were constructed in the late 1960's and early 1970's and did not achieve current fish screening criteria for the protection of salmonids prior to this project. The new facilities provided immediate fish protection, instream flow was enhanced, general water quality improved, and impacts to fish from prior maintenance requirements eliminated. Enhancement of bank habitat near the intake was also included in the plan.
A preliminary design of the facilities was complete at the time of application, and the City was ready to begin permitting followed by final design and construction. Personnel from the WDFW, NFMS, USBR, YIN, local governments, and others, provided assistance in developing design criteria.
The Naches River provides habitat for steelhead and bull trout, listed under the ESA, and other important species such as coho and spring chinook. This project also complemented other fish and critical habitat initiatives in the basin, and provides important and cumulative recovery outcomes. Finally, it must be noted that this project received unanimous support within a basin struggling to initiate and build consensus for strategic projects.