BPA Contract 64315. This contract for the Lower Entiat Side Channel Enhancement project will fund the following construction actions:
- Enhancement of 1532 linear feet of side channel habitat in three locations (river miles 1.65, 1.71, and 4)
- Installation of large wood structures near the side channel at river mile 4
- Installation of a temporary work bridge for construction access near RM 4
- Removal of two levees on river left near RM 4 (total length 340')
- Installation of five large wood structures to add bank roughness on river right near RM 4
- Site restoration including revegetation
The project will provide the following functions:
- Perennial fish access to >500 linear feet of side channel habitat for summer and winter rearing and refuge
- Improved fish access to >1000 linear feet of side channel habitat for spring rearing and refuge
- Improved channel bank structure and form through increased edge habitat and improved riparian vegetation cover
BPA Contract 64315. This contract for
the Lower Entiat Side Channel Enhancement project will fund the following
construction actions:
• Enhancement of 1532 linear feet of side channel habitat in three
locations (river miles 1.65, 1.71, and 4).
• Installation of large wood structures near the side channel at river mile
• Installation of a temporary work bridge for construction access near RM
• Removal of two levees on river left near RM 4 (total length 340')
• Installation of five large wood structures to add bank roughness on river
right near RM 4
• Site restoration including revegetation
The project will provide the following functions:
• Perennial fish access to >500 linear feet of side channel habitat for
summer and winter rearing and refuge
• Improved fish access to >1000 linear feet of side channel habitat for
spring rearing and refuge
• Improved channel bank structure and form through increased edge habitat
and improved riparian vegetation cover