The objective of the RM 1.9 Side Channel Design is to re-connect floodplain and off-channel habitat to provide rearing and refuge habitat for juvenile salmonids. Floodplain connection in the lower Entiat River has been impacted by levees constructed to protect property. In places, these levees cut off historical floodplain and have limited access to side channels that provide key rearing and refuge habitat.
The CCNRD re-initiated landowner discussions based on conceptual design elements at both the RM 2.3 and RM 1.9 sites developed as part of the Lower Entiat Reach Assessment (Reclamation 2012) and the UCRTT Review (UCRTT 2012). The landowner prefers these side channel concepts over previous concepts due to less impact on his operations. Design alternatives will be evaluated. Once the preferred alternative is selected, the CCNRD will prepare preliminary and final designs, and complete project permitting in 2013. The project is planned for construction in 2014.
The lower Entiat River is a Category 2 watershed in the Entiat Subbasin, which contains major spawning areas for ESA-listed spring Chinook salmon and steelhead, and is a bull trout core area (UCRTT 2007). Within the lower Entiat River, side channel and/or floodplain reconnection is a Tier 1 action and top priority for addressing limiting habitat factors and the recovery and long-term viability of salmonids (UCRTT 2008).