The Chelan-Douglas Land Trust seeks to acquire conservation easements from two contiguous landowners to protect 2,900 feet of riverfront and ±40 acres in the largest undeveloped floodplain in the Lower Wenatchee River. The habitat is valuable for floodplain function and off-channel habitat, and is vulnerable to development due to its proximity to the Wenatchee Urban Growth Area, roads, power and water.
The conservation easement will protect this area from the negative effects of sedimentation, bank armoring, removal of LWD, removal of riparian vegetation for river access, water withdrawal from exempt wells, air and water pollution. It also provides opportunities for future restoration work with willing landowners.
The Chelan-Douglas Land Trust seeks to acquire conservation easements from two contiguous landowners to protect approximately 3,200 feet of riverfront and ±40 acres in the largest undeveloped floodplain in the Lower Wenatchee River. The habitat is a valuable unconfined floodplain, includes an active channel migration zone, and supplies substantial natural off-channel habitat. There is a year round slough passing through the floodplain and high-water back channels activated at various flows. Several areas include persistent pools where smolts and spawning adults have been observed in the last two years. This reach is habitat to endangered spring Chinook, endangered steelhead and threatened bull trout.
The property is vulnerable to development due to its proximity to the Wenatchee Urban Growth Area, roads, power and water. The conservation easement will protect this area from the negative effects of sedimentation, bank armoring, removal of woody material, removal of riparian vegetation, air and water pollution. It also provides opportunities for future restoration work with willing landowners.