The project area is within WRIA 45 in the Lower White Pine Reach of Nason Creek as defined in the Lower White Pine Reach Assessment (USBR 2009). The replacement of the barrier culverts at RM 0.4 with a 13' diameter culvert improves Chinook and Steelhead access to 1.6 miles of potential spawning habitat, of which the first 0.3 miles is low gradient rearing habitat. The goal of this action was to increase access to rearing habitat steelhead in Nason Creek and the Wenatchee Subbasin. This project complements the larger Nason Creek Lower White Pine (LWP) Reconnection that will reconnect 14.9% of the Upper Nason Creek Basin including the reestablishment of hydraulic connectivity to the Coulter Creek drainage to the mainstem Nason Creek.
The project area is within WRIA 45 in the Lower White Pine Reach of Nason Creek as defined in the Lower White Pine Reach Assessment (USBR 2009). The replacement of the barrier culverts at RM 0.4 with a 13' diameter culvert improves Chinook and Steelhead access to 1.6 miles of potential spawning habitat, of which the first 0.3 miles is low gradient rearing habitat. The goal of this action was to increase access to rearing habitat steelhead in Nason Creek and the Wenatchee Subbasin. This project complements the larger Nason Creek Lower White Pine (LWP) Reconnection that will reconnect 14.9% of the Upper Nason Creek Basin including the reestablishment of hydraulic connectivity to the Coulter Creek drainage to the mainstem Nason Creek.