The CCNRD completed a riparian enhancement project at the Leavenworth Golf Course (LGC) along the left bank of the Wenatchee River near river mile 27.3 for approximately 2,380 linear feet (or 1.6 acres). The purpose of the project was to increase stream shading, provide bank stabilization to reduce erosion, increase future LWD recruitment and provide an educational opportunity for local high school students. The CCNRD partnered with the LGC, the WSU Forestry Education Program and local high school students interested in environmental science to implement the project. The project was divided into 8 seperate planting cells and the cells were planted in the Fall of 2006 with the assistance of local high school students and the Washington Conservation Crew (WCC). A high flow event in November of 2007 washed out much of the plants that were installed at the project site and the CCNRD replaced the plants in April 2007 with WCC assistance. Maintenance and monitoring of the site has been sporadic because of the lack of available funding. The CCNRD applied for funding through the 2009 Community Salmon Fund/National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for funding to continue to maintain and monitor the LGC site and was awarded funds for the continuation of this project. This information is located under the CCNRD Lower Icicle Riparian Initiative Project in the HWS.