Trout Unlimited used this grant funding to contract for an assessment of the lower reach of Icicle Creek, which extends from the confluence with the Wenatchee River to the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery at river mile 2.8. The Watershed Company (Kirkland, WA) completed the following project components:
1) a reach-level assessment on the lower reach of the Icicle River to fill the data gap between site-level and watershed-level information. Survey work included a minimum of over 100 rock measurements at 6 designated stations, water quality readings, turbidity measurements, redd counts and other data collection.
2) synthesized existing information with data obtained to develop a foundation for developing a restoration and protection strategy for the lower Icicle River.
3) information-sharing with permittting jurisdictions (Chelan County, SDFE, DOE, USACE) and others for future work and to enable other project managers to restore and enhance floodplain function for salmonid habitat.
This reach is utilized by Chinook, steelhead, sockeye, and bull trout, and is the focus of coho reestablishment efforts by the Yakama Nation. Floodplain use at the time of the assessment included pasture and increasing residential development, and existing information included watershed assessments, a limiting factors analysis, and biological and geomorphological/hydrological studies associated with the proposed restoration of the historic channel at the hatchery (river miles 2.8-3.8) .