CCNRD Nason N4 oxbow reconnection
#SRP-07-13410 #SRP-07-13410
 Wenatchee Sub-basin Nason Creek CCNRD Nason N4 oxbow reconnection
Organization Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board Lead Entity
Sponsor Chelan County Natural Resources Department
Status Completed
Schedule Start Date: 1/10/2007 End Date: 11/10/2009
Category Category: Restoration
Project Photo

Nason Creek is a Category 2 watershed in the Wenatchee River subbasin and it contains major spawning areas for ESA-listed spring Chinook salmon and steelhead. It is also a bull trout core area. Nason Creek has a high potential to increase salmonid abundance and productivity; therefore, the restoration of ecosystem function through floodplain reconnection is a priority. The primary habitat-limiting factors in Nason Creek are lack of habitat complexity and large woody debris (LWD) and that large sections of historical channel and floodplain have been disconnected from the present channel.

In Nason Creek, the largest impact on fish has been from human activities occurring outside of the main channel. Construction of roads, highways, and railroads has resulted in the disconnection of off-channel habitat and floodplains, and an increase in instream sedimentation. Roads, highways, and railroads have confined Nason Creek cutting off approximately 400 acres of side channels and oxbows and altering channel form resulting in a semi-braided system with severe aggradation. The confinement reduces LWD input, instream cover, instream habitat complexity, streambank stability, and temperature regulation. Today, Nason Creek has approximately 25% as much side channel habitat as nearby reference reaches. The priority actions in Nason Creek are identified as follows: protect remaining floodplain and riparian habitat; restore channel migration to historical function; improve fish access to oxbows and historical side channels where restoration is not possible.

The Nason Creek Oxbow Reconnect Project (N4) installed two fish-passable culverts within the SR 207 road prism to reconnect 1.15 acres of existing abandoned side channel habitat to the current Nason Creek main channel. The upstream and downstream oxbow connections were accomplished by replacing the existing (blocked) culverts under HWY 207 with 8-foot and 12-foot diameter CMP culverts respectively to restore year-round surface water connection to the oxbow. The project site is located on SR 207 approximately 4 miles from the intersection of HWY 2, near Lake Wenatchee.

The project provides year-round, off-channel habitat for juvenile salmonid species by reconnecting the floodplain oxbow. Biologically, the reconnected oxbow will provide off-channel refuge, rearing, and over wintering habitat for juvenile salmonids and other aquatic species. The project was completed in November 2009.

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TypeDateFunding OrgFunding ProgramMatchAmount
Requested03/16/2022Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)$791,300.50
Allocated03/16/2022Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)$791,300.50
Spent03/16/2022Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)-$791,300.50
Grant Project Agreement Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance
$791,300.50 $791,300.50 $791,300.50 $791,300.50 $0.00
OTHER FUNDING (Funding that is NOT in a grant project agreement)
TypeDateFunding OrgFunding ProgramMatchAmount
Other Funding Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance
Grand Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance

Chinook-Pop (ESU):Chinook-Upper Columbia River Spring, Wenatchee River, Endangered
Chinook2-Pop (ESU):Chinook-Upper Columbia River Summer/Fall, Not Warranted
HUC12:Lower Nason Creek (170200110203)
HUC8:Wenatchee (17020011)
Lead Entity Area:Upper Columbia
Legislative District:12
Salmon Recovery Regions:Upper Columbia River
Steelhead-Pop (ESU):Steelhead-Upper Columbia River, Wenatchee River, Threatened
Upper Columbia Assesment Unit:Lower Nason Creek
Watershed Administrative Unit:Lower Nason
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This project reconnected a 1100 foot (0.21 mile) oxbow to Nason Creek. Four large wood complexes with 4 logs each were also installed. Following construction, 0.138 acres were planted and the following spring (April 2010) an additional 0.261 acres was planted.

The project was completed in November, 2009. Due to the completion date, monitoring for this project will begin in spring, 2010. Chelan County Natural Resource Department will work with its project partner, Wenatchee-Okanogan National Forest, to monitor the project as laid out in the monitoring plan. The 4 goals of the monitoring plan will be addressed in the following sections: As-Built Survey (Goals 1 and 2), Flow Measurements (Goal 2 and 3), Cross Sections and Channel Profile (Goal 2), Fish Presence (Goal 3), Vegetation Monitoring (Goal 4), and Photo Points (Goal 2). 2010 Monitoring will be conducted by CCNRD.