The Lower Icicle Riparian Initiative was a partnership between the Chelan County Natural Resource Department, the Chelan Douglas Land Trust and Icicle Valley Trout Unlimited to promote riparian stewardship on agricultural, residential and municipal land in the Lower Icicle Valley. The project included riparian planting at the Fromm project sites and the Leavenworth Golf Course; invasive plant removal at the Leavenworth Golf Course site; installation of fencing, irrigation, and a bank stabilization project through a brush mattress at the Fromm project site; installation of wood chip mulch at both project sites and the installation of two informational signs (one at each project site). Additionally we hosted volunteer events with members of the Chelan-Douglas Land Trust, Trout Unlimited and the Wenatchee Valley Fly Fishers at both project sites. In summary, we planted a total of 1,837 trees and shrubs and spread wood chips on both project sites with the assistance of 77 volunteers from the local community during six separate planned volunteer events for a total of 335 in-kind volunteer hours.