CDLT desires to conduct outreach to landowners in lower Icicle Creek to work on securing voluntary land protection agreements. This reach of the river is undergoing rapid residential development, which will degrade its riparian, stream channel, and floodplain functions. Our goal is to secure easements along a contiguous block of ownerships. CDLT is working on an easement with the largest landowner (project 08-2060) and this work complements that project. Our preliminary work indicates a high level of interest in this reach.
The Upper Columbia Recovery Plan says "the highest priority for protecting biological productivity should be to allow unrestricted stream channel migration, complexity, and flood plain function. The principal means to meet this objective is to protect riparian habitat in Category 1 and 2 subwatersheds." Icicle Creek is a Category 2 Watershed, Minor Spawning Area for spring Chinook salmon, Major Spawning Area for steelhead, and Core Area for bull trout. The Plan also sets the Tier 3 Strategy for Icicle Creek to "protect existing riparian habitat and channel migration and floodplain function" and recommends "acquire conservation easements where appropriate from Leavenworth Hatchery to the mouth." This project is specifically in that reach, which is an important migration corridor, adult holding, juvenile rearing, and overwintering. This work addresses the limiting factors of channel integrity, shading, and recruitment of large woody debris.