This project completed the final design for 3500 feet of a new Hansen Creek Channel, including the installation of numerous wood structures, as well as floodplain plantings. This new channel will provide excellent freshwater habitat that will be utilized by Chinook, Coho, Pink, Steelhead and Chum salmon.
Skagit County has completed the final plan to move Hansen Creek from its currently occupied, straightened channel location, to a more meandering channel to the west of the current location. This would take advantage of low lying ground currently consisting of degraded wetlands and pastures. A previous SRFB grant (10-1856) allowed the Swinomish Tribe to acquire property along this section of Hansen Creek and addtioanl property have be secured by PSE within the project reach to allow the porject to move forward.
The Hansen Creek Management plan was completed in 2003 using a SRFB grant (99-1647). Since its completion many of the actions/projects listed in the plan have been completed. Reach 5, as listed in the plan, is the reach downstream of SR20Skagit County has done extensive work to alleviated local flooding and restore natural processes within this reach. With a functioning alluvial fan within Reach 3 and 4 attenuating the amount of sediment delivered to Reach 5 we are able to turn our focus to restoration efforts on this reach. Historic channel modifications of Hansen Creek have resulted in a straightened and simplified channel, devoid of much habitat.