Seattle City Light (SCL) continues their effective collaboration to protect high quality Chinook habitat in the Skagit River system through cooperative land acquisition, initially focusing on the 5-acre Carnahan property. If we are not successful in acquiring that property, then following the 2017 Skagit Watershed Council (SWC) Protection Strategy, the project includes acquisition of high priority parcels in Tier 1 floodplains of the mainstem Skagit, Sauk and Cascade rivers, and major tributaries and creeks identified as Tier 2 in the SWC 2015 Strategic Approach. Three Tier 2 target areas from the SWC 2016 Interim Steelhead Strategy are also included: single stock large river floodplain, singe stock major tributary and steelhead target areas.
The project also includes an outreach/assessment component, for landowner outreach, evaluation, site visits and due diligence for each potential acquisition. Multiple potential acquisitions are analyzed concurrently to ensure the highest priority parcels are pursued in a timely manner.
This project was funded by the Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB) on September 23, 2021, as a $460,000 comprehensive acquisition and landowner outreach grant for both the "middle" and "upper" Skagit River reaches. For administration purposes, the project is split into two separate grant agreements (21-1188, Skagit Land Trust). The SRFB-State grant funds may be transferred between grants, if necessary.