This request would be for a design only project to replace a 3 foot pipe on Martin Slough with a bridge. This culvert has been identified as a fish passage issue in the Barnaby slough Feasibility study and other documents and studies. This project would be similar to the Davis Slough project where as we would restore access to over 10 acres of high quality off-channel rearing habitat within the Skagit River floodplain. Floodplain habitats associated with the Skagit River such as Martin Slough are used by all Skagit River Chinook populations for rearing areas and as refugia during high flows. The project would restore natural hydrology to much of Martin Slough. The County would look at various design options to facilitate fish access and also lessen the time the road is closed due flooding. The cost was determined using examples of previous bridge projects the County has been involved in. The project site is located just upstream of County owned parcel that were purchased with IAC funding in 2001. The project would also include the design for the replacement of an upstream culvert to further enhance fish access to unused habitat.
This request would be for a design only project to evaluate road abandonment at the site of a 3 foot pipe on Martin Slough. This culvert has been identified as a fish passage issue in the Barnaby slough feasibility study (09-1440P) and other documents and studies. This project is similar to the Davis Slough project (13-1052 & 12-1208) as fish access would be restored to approximately 7.6 acres of high quality off-channel rearing habitat within the Skagit River floodplain.
Floodplain habitats associated with the Skagit River, such as Martin Slough, are used by all Skagit River Chinook populations for rearing areas and as refugia during high flows. The project would restore natural hydrology to much of Martin Slough. At the suggestion/requirement of the SRFB review panel, the County will complete a feasibility study to determine if road abandonment is the preferred alternative to facilitate fish passage prior to undertaking any design efforts. If road abandonment is the preferred alternative, then this option will be advanced to the final design portion of the scope or work and budget. This project also includes the design for the replacement of an upstream culvert to further enhance fish access to unused habitat.