Lewis Creek flows into Mouse Creek, which drains into a slough of the Sauk River at river mile 1.8 (of the slough) and 18.6 of the mainstem river. The restoration project was completed in 1998. This project involved replacing a fish barrier culvert with 5 rock weirs, 4 log weirs, and 4 pieces of large woody debris along 140 feet (43 m) of stream channel to allow access to 1,760 feet (537 m) of habitat above the culvert. Native trees and shrubs (1,030) were planted along 1,400 feet (427 m) of both stream banks with a 25-foot buffer downstream of the culvert. The riparian area already consisted of a thin buffer of mature alder growth in one area, and open field in the other. Lewis Creek is utilized by coho, though an occasional residential cutthroat trout has been observed.
One male coho was observed during the winter of 1998-99 above Sauk Prairie Road, and had been the only salmon activity observed until 2002-03. Twelve live coho, one coho carcass, and one coho redd were all recorded above the two-foot culvert underSauk Prairie Road. During the winters of 2003-04, 2004-05, and 2005-06 no fish were observed in Lewis Creek.